Giambrone & Partners
Cybersecurity & Data Compliance
Protect your data and your company: Cybersecurity & Data Compliance

Protect your data and your company: Cybersecurity & Data Compliance
Following the Data Security Law, China has drafted new regulations clarifying how companies should handle sensitive industry and telecommunications data.
Advanced cybersecurity for your business
The measures classify data into “major,” “important” and “ordinary” categories and require companies to take varying degrees of protective measures during data collection, processing, transfer and disposal.
Protection against ever-evolving cyber threats
In order to improve the environment for foreign companies, in fact, Chinese cybersecurity authorities have recently proposed to relax the requirements imposed on companies regarding CBDT. By revising and modifying some CBDT requirements, China is signaling its commitment to strike a balance between data security and facilitating smoother cross-border business operations. The proposed changes are a key step toward building a more dynamic and investor-friendly cybersecurity framework.
Our law firm’s attorneys help and support companies at every stage in order to ensure the total protection and absolute security of their data.
Specialized professionals

Avv Ciro Galiano
Lawyer Ciro Galiano is a consultant in the sector of labor law and industrial relations, privacy and commercial law in our Rome office. He stands out for his proven skills by assisting companies of national importance, holding companies and multinationals both in the extrajudicial and judicial phases, in all areas relating to labor law, industrial relations, social security, privacy and commercial law.
Over the years he has developed excellent skills in commercial and labor contracts. He supports companies, with his team, in adapting to the GDPR, in staff training and assists companies in dialogue with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data and provides support to internal DPOs.
Furthermore, Lawyer Galiano was involved in due diligence operations concerning restructuring, transfers and rental of company branches, outsourcing of services through labor intensive private contracts, drafting the contracts and assisting the client company in the procedure certification of the same.Nel corso degli anni ha maturato ottime competenze nella contrattualistica commerciale e del lavoro. Affianca le aziende, con il proprio team, nell’adeguamento al GDPR, alla formazione del personale ed assiste le aziende nel dialogo con l’Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali e presta supporto ai DPO interni.
Inoltre, L’Avvocato Galiano si è occupato di operazioni di due diligence aventi ad oggetto ristrutturazioni, trasferimenti ed affitto di ramo di azienda, esternalizzazione di servizi attraverso appalti privati labour intensive, redigendo i contratti ed assistendo l’azienda cliente nella procedura di certificazione degli stessi.
Giambrone & Partners International Law Firm – China Desk
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